1974-1977 On the Move

Eithin 28 August 1976

Who takes the name of Hari (Swamiji)
Thrice blessed is this day of joy (Swamiji)
Tell me my Uma (Swamiji)
First I heard his magic flute (Swamiji)
O Mother ever blissful as thou art (Swamiji)
If at last my life breath leaves me (Swamiji)
Mother you are the macrocosm (Swamiji)
Sing o bird (Swamiji)
Upon the tray of the sky (Swamji)
Hallowed by Brahman (Swamiji)
We moan for rest (Swamiji)
Angels Unawares (Swamiji)
Prakriti supreme (Swamiji)
Song of the sannyasin (Swamiji)
Shame upon me (Swamiji)

Kings Cross, September 1975, Vivekananda songs

Hymns to the Divine Mother (Swamiji and devotees)
Wake up the note (Swamiji)
Instrumental (Swamiji)
And let Shyama dance there (Swamiji
Angels Unawares (Swamiji)
Prakriti Supreme (Swamiji)
Hold on yet a while (Swamiji)
Peace (Swamiji)
Hymn of Creation (Swamiji)

Self inquiry brings one into contact with subtle truth

Swamiji, June 1976

Bevington Rd, February 1976, Hymns to the Goddess

Salutation to Thee (Swamiji)
I Salute Thee (Swamiji)
Ganga (Swamiji)
On the banks of Marnikarnika (Swamiji)
Upon the sea of blissful awareness (Swamiji)
Meditation is Narayana (Swamiji)
O Devi Sureswari (Swamiji)
We Salute Thee O Lord (Swamiji)
Upon the sea of blissful awareness
Upon the sea of blissful awareness version 3 (Swamiji)
Upon the sea of blissful awareness version 4 (Swamiji)
Sanskrit hymn (Swamiji)
Quintessence 15 February 1975
Mother for Yasoda (Swamiji)Why should I go (Swamiji)
Victory to Gora, Sachi’s son (Swamiji)Proclaim the glory (Swamiji)
O Krishna, my beloved (Swamiji)Let us go back (Swamiji)
Jaya Shiva Om Kara (Swamiji)We are born in the dust of earth (Swamiji)
Hail to Thee (Swamiji)Victory to Gora, Sachi’s son (Swamiji)
Why has my body turned (Swamiji)Who is there (Swamiji)
Swamiji singing Krishna songs 1974/75
The dark cloud of the summer storm (Swamiji)Tell us o Radha of comely face (Swamiji)
First I heard his magic flute (Swamiji)How strange o friend (Swamiji)
O friend I am dying (Swamiji)O Krishna beloved you are mine (Swamiji)
I have not found my Krishna (Swamiji)I have not found my Krishna cont (Swamiji)
Listen the sound has come (Swamiji)Who art Thou Gaur of golden hue (Swamiji)
Why has my body turned so golden (Swamiji)At the house of Srivas (Swamiji)
Behold the two brothers have come (Swamiji)Victory to Gora, Sachi’s son (Swamiji)
Why has my body turned so golden version 2 (Swamiji) 
King’s Cross 23 December 1974
Glory and shame (Swamiji)O my flute sing Hari’s name (Swamiji)
O Vina (Swamiji)O Mother how deep is Thy love for man (Swamiji)
This world o Mother is Thy mad house (Swamiji)Who art Thou Gaur (Swamiji)
Krishna (Swamiji)Tell us o Radha (Swamiji)
I saw a picture of Him (Swamiji)Meditate o my mind (Swamiji)
Be drunk o mind (Swamiji)O Rama (Swamiji)
Cherish my precious Mother (Swamiji)Thou art our sole redeemer (Swamiji)
We moan for rest (Swamiji)Who is there that can understand (Swamiji)
Ecstasy of feeling (Swamiji)Dwell in the Vrindavan of my heart (Swamiji)
Home Farm House 2 November 1974
You are to be adored (Swamiji and devotees)O Ramakrishna Sarada (Swamiji)
Bhava Maha Bhava (Swamiji and Raja Ram)O Father of the Universe (Swamiji)
O Ramakrishnaya (Swamiji)Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu (Swamiji)
Sarva Mangala (Swamiji) 
Flanders Road 1973 or 74
O Rama, formerly you resided (Swamiji)O when will dawn for me that day of blessedness (Swamiji)
The dark cloud of the summer storm (Swamiji)Blessed indeed is the wearer of the loincloth (Swamiji)
High in the Heaven of my Mother’s Feet (Swamiji)O Mother ever blissful as Thou art(Swamiji)
Tell me my Uma (Swamiji)