Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday kirtan, 17 February 2024

Thank you Yogini and Rohan for inviting us all to a joyful celebration of our Gurudev’s birthday with music, readings, chanting and a children’s play.

Here is the kirtan in three parts with the special addition of the Sunday kirtan.

Kirtan part I – music from Yogini, Hari Om, Tryambaka, Imogen, Sanjana, RajaRam, SitaDevi, Girish

Kirtan part 2 – Yogini, Aum-chanting, JaiNarain reading, SitaDevi, Imogen

Kirtan part 3 – Sri Lakshmi, Tryambaka, Yogini, RajaRam, Girish, Sarasvati reading, Hari Om, arthi

Sunday kirtan – Music from Sanjana, Yogini, Tryambaka, Girish

Vivekananda’s hymn to Sri Ramakrishna
‘You are to be adored, you are truth unchanging,
You are the Lord of the gunas.
In my weakness I have failed, O taker away of delusion,
To worship your blessed lotus feet
Earnestly and unceasingly.
Therefore I claim sanctuary with you,
O friend of the lowly.

This evil dream called life
Can be dispelled by love, adoration and understanding.
These three can quickly bring us to our goal, the truth of Brahman.
But alas, though I speak these words with my lips
There is no answer in my heart.
Therefore I claim sanctuary with you,
O friend of the lowly.

O Ramakrishna, you are the path that leads to truth.
If a man offers you his heart,
He soon overcomes the world
And finds fullness of eternal life.
For your feet still the waves of death
And bring immortality into the world of mortals.
Therefore I claim sanctuary with you,
O friend of the lowly.

Lord, your name Ramakrishna is goodness and purity itself.
Graciously it awakens us from our delusion.
He who chants your name will become a saint
Though he be a sinner.
You are the refuge of us all.
I have no other refuge but you.
Therefore I claim sanctuary with you,
O friend of the lowly.

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